About Us

Your Club
The Okotoks & District Seniors Club is a registered Non-Profit Organization.
Memberships Fees: $10.00 per calendar year (January through December)
User Fee: $2.00 per event (Loonies or Toonies)
Seniors 55 years and older are eligible.
Go to Activities Schedule for our Weekly/Monthly Schedules
Come visit with others while participating in activities.
The club hosts guest speakers on subjects of interest to the members throughout the year.
Special Events
June BBQ with Entertainment
Fall Supper with Entertainment
Christmas Dinner & Dance
Monthly Events
Monthly Dinner - 1st Monday of the Month (unless a stat holiday) - Doors open at 5pm
Friday Social - 3rd Friday of the Month 3:00 to 6:00 pm (Bring an Appetizer)
If you have something that you would like to see offered and want to volunteer, contact the club.
CLOSED - December 23th to January 2nd
and all Sundays and Stat holidays
Office Hours - Monday to Friday 10am to 4pm
New Memberships and Tours - Monday to Friday 10am to 3:30pm
Board of Directors
President - Sharon Anderson
Past President - Vacant
Vice President - Beverley Seitz
Treasurer - Allen Jenkins
Secretary - Jennifer Marion
Directors - John Carmichael, Alana Newton, Pat Shaul, and Al Zandbelt